Saturday, February 03, 2007

Saying the wrong things

Sometimes I say the wrong things in class and I would be very bothered by it after the lesson, wondering if I had offended any of my students. And I would lay awake at night, tossing and turning in bed, and worrying that my students would henceforth have a very bad impression of me, and bitch about me to all and sundry and I would have to work doubly hard from then on to regain my standing in class.

Maybe I shouldn't be so fanatically anxious about such slips of the tongue. To err is human, after all. Maybe most of my students aren't even listening when I talk (ha ha!).

Maybe I should just state here that if any student has ever felt offended by anything I have said, that you should just approach me and tell me. Sometimes I come across as being very blunt, or demanding, or impatient or even arrogant. Sometimes I may even be wrong. (In fact, no teacher is ever right all the time.) But I won't realise it, until I get some kind of feedback from you. I promise I won't take it out on your essay marks! :)


Blogger shdwhawk said...

WOAH! Mdm Sng suddenly worried about impression on her class?! Quick! Get a camera! There's a flying pig outside!

Haha. To be truthful, the impression I have of you is that you are an interesting and caring teacher who keeps trying to find ways to teach better. Like your ah, "experiments". ^.^ Don't worry, even if they don't like you now, they might change their minds by the end of the year.

8:09 PM  
Blogger MdmSng said...

Mdm Sng is a sensitive human being with feelings, just like all of you. Is there anyone who doesn't care what impression others have of him? Then that person must be either a) very arrogant, b) very stupid, c) dead.

This entry came about because I have new classes this year and all my students are new to me and vice versa. I said certain things in class the other day and I wondered if my intention has been misunderstood. If my students know me fairly well, they'll know what I'm getting at. But if they don't, they'll think I'm very hoity-toity. So I thought I should clarify here.

9:12 AM  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

Well, maybe for teachers is necessary to ensure that the students understand them.
But it strikes me that impressions either doesn't make any difference, or it makes too much of a difference. People believe what you want them to believe or what they want to believe. If it's the first, then you can make use of impressions to fool them. If its the latter, then the point is moot. They've already fixed in their mind what they want to see. So why bother.

4:37 PM  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

Being too sensitive is useless. You'll forever second guess yourself. I doubt anyone cares about others' feelings, if they do, its just only or a short while. But of course, being too insensitive is not good either.

By the way lihua, not caring and being insensitive is 2 different things.

4:42 PM  
Blogger MdmSng said...

If people already fixed in their minds what they want to believe about you, very often it is because they have already had a negative first impression of you. That's why first impression is very important. It is not easy to change someone's first impression of you. It takes time and will only happen if the person gives you a chance.

As for people who choose to form an impression of you without any good reason to back up their impression, then we're talking about bigoted or prejudiced people (eg. racists) who refuses to know a person for who he is. Then that kind of people we should avoid.

You are right about 'not caring' and 'insensitive' as 2 different things. Sometimes it is good to not care about what other people think if you truly believe you are in the right. This is how some great breakthroughs are made.

5:51 PM  
Blogger † Misère Noire † said...

Ahh relax mdm sng, you'll do fine ^^

and if xiao wei gave a dam about how others think about her, she would have long hair by now, period. no offence xD

6:16 PM  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

No offense taken. And if Uni DOESN'T give a dam about what others think, he'll have long hair by now. Now won't that be a sight to behold?

4:16 PM  
Blogger † Misère Noire † said...

i would have long hair if it weren't for j wong =l

1:18 AM  
Blogger Jas said...

no worries mdm sng!
u're doing fine.
haha,same sentiments."To err is human"

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mdm sng ur blog is dead...y no 2006 f41 dun wanna blog le arh???

9:18 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

hey mdm sng! this is joanne,faith4-1 2006. do keep in contact!
(i miss proper classrooms and narrative essays.)

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello mdm sng! (:

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My webpage is up but I cannot access my blogspot blog. Every time I tried to change to the new one (since it is now compulsory) the whole thing would just hang.

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets juz spam here

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*clears cobwebs*

8:48 PM  

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