Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mdm Sng's IQ

OK, so I got this from Uni's blog and tried in in between lessons.

Here's my result:
Your IQ Is 115

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Average

Now, I shall humbly confess that Uni's IQ score is higher than mine.

But but, I am a genius in Verbal Intelligence and Mathematics (phew!) and that clearly explains why I am an English and Maths teacher. (MOE: you picked the right person!) Still, I am puzzled why my logical intelligence is below average (can you be a genius in Maths and be abysmal in logical reasoning?).

Why don't you try it and see if you are loads better than me. Don't worry about trumping me, I have a very healthy self-esteem. :) (Not to mention I've cleared my O level, A level, BA degree, numerous job interviews..etc so I don't really let things like IQ tests bother me any more. )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i tried it n got below ave for logic too! haha! verbal is genius, mathematics exceptional n gen knowledge ave.

10:40 AM  
Blogger † Misère Noire † said...

the logical intell is screwed =_= no one got a beyind a "below average" at ALL

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Logic Intel: Below Ave (how can?)

Verbal: Exceptional (sure or not?)

Maths: Genius (expected lah)

General Knowledge: Exceptional (see, must watch more BBC world)

9:19 PM  

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