Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just checking

So I have 3 full days of seminar and I find myself thinking of a zillion things, in between the esoteric lectures I have been subjecting myself to. Specifically, I'm thinking about :

1) whether you are all being nice angels towards the relief teacher. I hope, trust, pray that you are. So far, I've heard some comments from JQ and while I'm eager to check with a few more people to see if what he said is true, I'm resisting the urge to SMS any of you because...well...maybe part of me is scared of finding out the truth? I should really check with the relief teacher herself cos you never know, what you say may be different from how she perceives things. Such is the complexity of human relationship.

2) whether my desk in the staff room has been usurped by someone to put his own things. Tsk tsk tsk. It happens you know. You just go somewhere for a few days and then you come back to discover that someone has claimed your desk as his territory. Why there is this need for humans to stake territorial claims like that, albeit temporarily, is a phenomenon that warrants more investigation. Perhaps it's time I sit next to someone I can bully, instead of the other way around. :)

3) whether you have completed your CME homework. You may hate me for this but I actually am looking forward to reading your interviews, especially since I have been given a preview by Uni. OK, I'm a kaypoh, but really, do you not think it is very interesting to find out how your parents met each other, how their courtship was like, and what pre-marital jitters they went through? In fact, I'm very tempted to do a similar interview with my mother and if I did find the time to do it, I'll see if I can post it here.

4) my daughter's exam. She's very relaxed about it, which is good I suppose, because I am not. But wait, let's see, what did I just tell you at CME lesson the other day? "Do not exasperate your children"? OK, I'll remember that. (Takes 10 deep breaths.)

The house is unusually quiet now because my daughter is learning her spelling. And then I'll have to prepare her for her Oral exams tomorrow. So I'd better run along and do the proper motherly thing.

See you all on Thursday!


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