Monday, December 01, 2008

Post-China Reflections

We went, we saw, we shopped, they (the students) laughed, they yelled, they sang, they connected, they cried. That about sums up the 11 day Zhuhai trip.

I was very glad to be home, mainly because of my daughter. This is the first time I've been away from her for so long.  I thought of the night before I left for China, how she insisted on sleeping with me, how she clung on to me and cried herself to sleep, how I had to leave the house for the airport as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake her up and have her go through another heart-wrenching sobbing episode, how I later learnt from my husband that she had wailed upon finding me gone. She had then gone to school, teary-eyed and sniffing and she later related to me how some of her friends had laughed at her in school for crying in class. All these, is enough to make me want to rush home to be reunited with my flesh and blood.

So, while the shopping in China was fabulous, and for once, I felt like a rich tai-tai because many things seemed so affordable compared to the cutthroat prices you pay in Singapore, there is nothing that can be compared with the joy of seeing my girl trying to hold back her tears when she saw me at the airport. I don't think I want to be away from her for so long again, at least not until she becomes a teenager and begins to find me annoying and uncool and can't wait for me to disappear for a while. Until then, I want to be there to let my girl be mummy's girl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mdm Sng! I saw your post and I was totally shocked! Thanks for remembering me!

I'm doing great here in poly and probably thanks to you, I still enjoy blogging (or more like livejournal-ing) to pen down my thoughts and stuffs. And I think you should check out Livejournal! I prefer over there much more than Blogspot.

Anyway, I will try to go back to the school to visit you!

11:41 PM  
Anonymous shdwhawk said...

Wow... It died finally. But still, your blog lasted 5 years. I noticed you removed the long lists of links from your classes (besides the lack of posts for over a year). Not giving blogging homework over the holidays anymore?

I know I always grumble about having to change people's links, but sad to say it's my turn to ask people to change their links. Not my fault geocities closed down... Dang hard to find another free host that won't mess up my codes. Thanks (in advance) for changing it :p My new address:


5:49 PM  

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