Thursday, February 02, 2006

Look at the date!

Oh dear, it's February already!

I can't believe it. How time dashes past you, while you are busy marking scripts, preparing lessons, attending meetings, shopping, hanging the laundry and doing all sorts of mundane activities.

Some thoughts about the past month :

1. My daughter says she doesn't like her new form teacher because "she's old". What??!! I almost fell off my chair. Why do students like only teachers who are young? What will happen to me when I'm (gulp!) old? Will I still have students who like me or will they just grudgingly put up with me and my unsteady hands, wobbly knees and quaky voice? When is my shelf life over?

2. I actually like all the visiting during Chinese New Year. In fact, I look forward to it more and more. Must be a sign of old age (oh dear. See (1) above). It doesn't even bug me that the more visiting I do, the more ang pows I have to distribute. I just love meeting my relatives, cousins, cousins' kids, old friends and colleagues.

3. I am still as slow in my marking as before. I just never seem to improve. So students, you must must be patient with me ok. I cannot mark fast. I cannot overlook all the itsy bitsy grammatical mistakes you make in your essays. I must underline them, and make a note, and think about whether these affect your final grade. I don't know how to take short cuts in such things.

Soon, February will whizz by and it'll be March hols again! Come, Bintan come!
(Yes, I've started planning for my next break. Talk about kan-jiong!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mdm Sng. I think your daughter teacher must have wore a lot of outdated clothes. Students usually like teachers who are young because they wear nice clothes... Like *ahem* Mrs Ting. Somehow all our Math teachers seems to wear better looking clothes than other teachers. However, there's one bad thing about Mrs Ting... She only have 1 pair of shoes to wear to school. Very pathetic leh...

P.S. Can you update my new blog address??? Thanks!

8:58 PM  
Blogger MdmSng said...

What is so 'bad' about wearing the same pair of shoes?? Especially if they are comfortable and can match most clothes?

It really boggles me how students judge teachers based on superficial things like what clothes/shoes/hairstyle they have!!

Surely whether a teacher is old/young shouldn't be as important as whether she can relate to the students and teach well?

6:35 PM  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

Just ignore Lihua. She's siao, always commenting on our teachers' attire.

5:45 PM  

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