Tuesday, November 29, 2005

On This Day

En Yeow's latest post warrants a visit. What a novel way to think about your birthday!

My interest is piqued and I did on search on my birthday at wikipedia as well and came up with these :

22 July - on this day :

* Gregor Mendel, the Austrian geneticist was born;
* Gustav Ludwig Hertz, physicist and Nobel laureate was born;
* so was fashion designer Oscar de la Renta.

- Sadam Hussein's 2 sons Uday and Qusay died.

* mathematicians remember it as the Pi Approximation Day, which is the day the earth completes 2 astronomical units of its annual orbit. On this day the total length of Earth's orbit, divided by the length already traveled, equals π. (source: wikipedia)
* Wiley Post becomes first person to fly solo around the world traveling 15,596 miles in 7 days, 18 hours and 45 minutes;
* 1942 - Holocaust: The systematic deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto begins.
* 2005 - Microsoft releases the final name for its next-gen operating system, Longhorn. The name will be "Windows Vista".

Why not do a search for your birthday?


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