Friday, March 03, 2006

So how did it go?

I'm sitting in the staff room and waiting for the caterer to come with the dinner for my dear students who are now cooped up in a room, being bombarded with messages from Adam Khoo.

I am dead curious to know:
* did my students find the 3 days life-changing?
* even if the answer is 'no' to the first question, did it at least make them think about some issues in their lives (like their relationship with their parents, the beliefs they hold about themselves, their attitude towards life..etc)
* are they going to make some changes to their lives so that they will achieve their goal?

When the dust has settled, and you all get to catch up on your sleep this weekend, I wonder how different your lives will be.

Can't wait to talk to you on Monday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mdm sng walks into class. She sees 42 heads either buried into textbooks or on the desks with drool coming out of the mouth. So she ended up talking to the wall... zzzzzzzz

Hee hee


3:27 PM  
Blogger FixCon said...

haha I think some of them will really be changed by Adam Khoo. I've experienced it myself once. Kinda useful in one wasy or another ;P But I think some of them will really change in character slowly.

12:42 AM  

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